It's nice to be buying SM again....ok yes, I know you can keep up to date with the latest products via email and the net way before they ever appear in a mag, and inspiration abounds on blogs and online galleries....but there's something special about cosying up in front of the fire with a nice mag in my hands oohhing and aahhing over the beautiful pages other people dream up.

7 pages I oohhed and aahhed about in this month's issue:
"Snails" by Leanne Pearce on the editor's welcome page (pg 7) - so impressed by this girl's work atm, an amazing knack at layering.
"J" by Louise Nelson in her Step-by-step tutorial about mesh (pg 29) - so original and fresh in a grungy kind of way.
"Dobby" by SM newbie Pauline Dirrig from France in the Pets Gallery (pg 42) - the double layout and clouds got me, and how cute is that pussy cat!
"Sun Kissed" again by Leanne Pearce in the Fancy Pants Product Challenge (pg 49) - love the vertical design and cute and crazy close up pic.
"Mother's Love" by Tatum Woodroffe in the Quotes Gallery (pg 82) - her quirky combo of elements and groovy placement really appeals.
"Oh Those Eyes" by Julie Gordon in the Melissa Frances Product Challenge (pg 101) - simple, gorgeous and a most stunning little girl!
"Cherish" by Launa Valente in the Final Encore (pg 116) - unusual for me to like a digital lo, but this is unique and beautiful - well worth attempting using traditional methods!
Lovely that Kate and Bethie still get a kick out of seeing themselves in they are with my "School's In" layout on page 92....

A layout to share.....

.....this is such a fun thing to do.....print out a heap of photos of someone taken within a certain timeframe and scrap them on the one layout. These are of my middle daughter Bethany during her year of being age 6.
Another layout of Bethie - this time with her soccer team Spirit.......this is the layout I taught at my last class:

And here are all the girls with their creations after the workshop....
Rosalee and Deb

Meleah and Rhonda (Grandaughter and Nan)

Libet and Dana

Lee and Lisa



Chris and her daughter Ellie both did amazing layouts using their kayaking pics but wouldn't let me photograph them as they're not quite week girls!
Working on my August class layout (another double) using these little beauties...........

.....will do my best to order extras so I can offer a Class-in-a-Box this time!
See you next time and thanks for stopping by! xxx